SHI Hair Transplant Treatment


It is one of the Latest Technology for Hair Transplant Surgery. As we have clearly established that SHI is the latest technology for hair transplantation methods. We all know that FUE (Follicular unit extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) were very dominant in this industry for a long period of time. That being said, they both require longer treatment and also recovery time. Apart from that, in FUT, you will get to see the linear scar near the donor area.

To get rid of the said problem in FUT and FUE. The medical technicians have introduced SHI. well; you might wonder how it actually helps in overcoming all such issues? Well, the answer is pretty simple: it needs to have more surgeons work at once by using more advanced technology.

SHI Hair Transplant Clinic in Hanamkonda

In theory, the SHI technique is somewhat similar to FUE. But there is a difference, and that lies in the fact that a group of 5 to 6 surgeons are working together in SHI. This is why it takes around only 5 to 6 hours to implant 3000 or more grafts completely. Whereas in the traditional process, the same 300 grafts of hair will take approximately 8 to 10 hours at max. The doctor exposes hair in SHI for a shorter amount of time. To top that off, well-trained nursing staff assist the surgeons for better-looking results.

  • The grafts are outside the body for a very minimal time.
  • There is a drastic reduction of operating time.
  • The grafts which are placed by this SHI do not shed off initially like the ones placed by other routine methods, therefore this starts to grow directly and the results begin to show within two weeks.

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